
Your 10 Point Checklist to Starting an Ecommerce Business



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With over 206 million predicted shoppers spending money online this year, there’s never been a better time to start an eCommerce business. If you’re thinking about starting an eCommerce business and selling products online, use this checklist to do it the right way.

1. Start With Your Business Name

The first thing to do (after you decide what you want to sell, of course) is choose a fabulous, memorable business name that no one else is using.

2. Secure Your Domain Name and Website

Your domain name is your digital address and plays a key role in search engine optimization (SEO). It should be concise, easy to spell, and reflective of your brand.

3. Select The Best Business Structure and Register Your Business

Choosing the right business structure (Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, LLC, or Corporation) has significant implications for liability, taxes, and operational flexibility.

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4. Get Your Employer Identification Number

An EIN is essential for various business activities, including opening a bank account and hiring employees.

5. Apply for Business Licenses and Permits

Depending on your product range and location, various licenses and permits may be required.

6. Find the Right Vendors

Your choice of vendors can impact product quality, pricing, and supply chain reliability.

7. Start Marketing Early

Developing a marketing strategy before launch helps build anticipation and a customer base.

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8. Get More Productive with the Right Software

Investing in the right software from the start can save time and streamline operations.

9. Stock Your Inventory

Effective inventory management is key to avoiding stockouts or overstocking.

10. Make Sure Your Business Stays Compliant

Staying compliant with legal requirements is crucial.

Completing this comprehensive checklist will lay a strong foundation for your eCommerce business, setting you up for success in the competitive online marketplace.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What should be the first step when starting an eCommerce business?

Choose a unique and memorable business name that aligns with your products. Register the name to protect your brand identity.

How can I secure a domain name and website for my business?

Ideally, get your business name as the domain name. If unavailable, choose a related and easy-to-remember URL. Design a visually appealing and functional eCommerce website using platforms like Shopify.

What are the business structure options, and how can I register my business?

Business structure options include sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC, and corporation. Register your chosen structure by filing appropriate paperwork with the IRS, or hire a business filing company to assist you.

Do I need an Employer Identification Number (EIN) for my eCommerce business?

Yes, obtaining an EIN is essential for opening a business bank account and filing taxes.

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re there any licenses and permits required for an eCommerce business?

Yes, you may need sales tax licenses or home business licenses. Check with your city, county, and state authorities to ensure compliance.

How can I find the right vendors for my products?

Research and compare vendors to find the best quality and pricing for your products or materials.

When should I start marketing my eCommerce business?

Start marketing early by setting up social media profiles and writing blog content. Create a “coming soon” page on your website for interested visitors to sign up for updates.

What software can I use to improve productivity for my eCommerce business?

Utilize customer relationship management, accounting, project management, and email marketing software to streamline your operations.

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How can I ensure I have enough inventory for the launch?

Stock your inventory adequately, aiming to have more rather than less. Monitor sales patterns to make informed decisions for future orders.

How can I stay compliant with legal requirements for my eCommerce business?

Stay organized by filing annual reports for your business structure and paying the required fees for permits. Set reminders to meet deadlines and stay on track.

Completing this checklist will ensure you’re well-prepared to launch your eCommerce business and thrive in the ever-growing online marketplace.

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